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IBM Blockchain Workshop


Blockchain is a shared, replicated ledger that underpins technology such as Bitcoin. Blockchain’s reach is wider than cryptocurrency however, as it sets out to provide the foundation for a new generation of transactional applications that establish trust and transparency, while streamlining business processes. Are you curious about blockchain and what it can do for your business? This one day training event gives an overview of blockchain and why it is important. The day progresses into a deep dive on the Linux Foundation Hyperledger Composer, Hyperledger Fabric, and IBM Blockchain Platform on the IBM cloud, and how to develop business networks and applications that access the Hyperledger Fabric. Plenty of time is set aside for Q&A.


This event will enable you to understand blockchain concepts and understand how to model business networks that include the assets, participants, transactions, and access control lists. The event focuses heavily on the use of Hyperledger Composer providing that abstraction layer to reduce the time to market for blockchain implementations. Concepts introduced during presentations are reinforced with a combination of live demonstrations and hands-on lab exercises. The goal of the event is to enable attendees to become familiar with the concepts, operation, and benefits of a blockchain, and IBM’s value proposition and the resources available to you.


This is aimed at business and technical representatives. The morning focuses more on business concepts while the afternoon is focused on concepts appropriate for developers and architects. It assumes no current knowledge of blockchain or its current uses. The day starts with a high-level business context and gently introduces concepts and how they work within Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Composer.




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For Developers

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If you don’t have a copy of the printed materials you can access the Lab Workbook online.

If you don’t have a copy of the printed materials you can access the Lab Workbook online.

IBM Blockchain Platform V2 Lab Workbooks

If you don’t have a copy of the lab 1 printed materials you can access the Lab Workbook1 online.

If you don’t have a copy of the lab 2 printed materials you can access the Lab Workbook2 online.

If you don’t have a copy of the lab 3 printed materials you can access the Lab Workbook3 online.

If you don’t have a copy of the lab 4 printed materials you can access the Lab Workbook4 online.

If you don’t have a copy of the lab 5 printed materials you can access the Lab Workbook5 online.